As with many of our trainees, communication and confidence can be a real barrier to employment. Sam had been working with a group of trainees to set goals and noticed that a common theme coming up was that they wanted to work on their communication and confidence skills, particularly in a community setting completing everyday tasks. So, she came up with a challenge to support two groups of trainees to work on their confidence and communication skills in the local Rye community.

Overcoming fears and anxieties
The groups were tasked with using the map of Rye to plot out a 15-minute walk around Rye. The map of Rye, is disability friendly, using images as well as words to depict points of interest. This allowed all trainees to get involved in the plotting of a route regardless of literacy levels.
A seemingly simple walk can bring up anxieties and barriers, particularly for people with learning disabilities and autism. Finding their way around somewhere new as well as having to potentially communicate with the public, if needing further directions, can be overwhelming. But both groups overcame their fears and made the walk around Rye!