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A gift in your will could transform the life of a young person with learning disabilities and autism.

How your gift will help

Today, only 6% of people with learning disabilities and autism are in paid employment. So where are the others? Some are in long term, unpaid work experience, others are in day care, but for many there is no option but to stay at home.

Work gives us all a sense of purpose and a structure to our lives. As well as money, work leads to confidence and improves physical and mental health. It also provides an opportunity to make friends and be less dependent on benefits.

Your gift can help change lives!

How to include a gift in your will

You can leave a gift of a specific amount of money or a proportion of your estate to Little Gate in your will. Even small amounts can make a big difference to our work.

And if you leave more than 10% of your estate to charity then you may receive inheritance tax benefits. Your solicitor should be able to advise you further.

Creating a new will

If you haven’t already made a will then we’d be delighted to recommend our local solicitor, Richard Ostle, from Gaby Hardwicke Solicitors in Hastings. Richard is familiar with Little Gate and would be happy to advise you.

Alternatively, you can find a local solicitor through The Law Society.

Please ensure that you use our full name (Little Gate Farm), include our charity number (1153584) and our registered address (Little Gate Farm, Horseshoe Land, Beckley, Rye, TN31 6RZ).

Updating an existing will

If you already have a will and wish to change it, then you should contact your solicitor and let them know your intentions. They will either help you to create a new will or add a codicil to your existing will (this is a document used to make an amendment to an existing will, it may be less expensive to write a codicil than a new will).

Please ensure that you use our full name (Little Gate Farm), include our charity number (1153584) and our registered address (Little Gate Farm, Horseshoe Land, Beckley, Rye, TN31 6RZ).

A gift in your will can give Carly the future she deserves