I was born normal – (what is normal!) without a disability, it all happened when i was just five years old, my life changed in a split second forever. My mum, my dad, my brother and me were on holiday with friends on a barge in Stoke on Trent, I was on the top bunk of the bunk beds when I fell off and banged my head.
I had sustained a major brain injury and my life would never be the same again. I was in intensive care and at this stage mum and dad were told I probably would never “walk, talk or breathe” on my own. When I was stable I was transferred to Hastings Conquest Hospital where my rehab and massive recovery was to begin: OT, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy because I couldn’t stop interrupting LOL, learning to hold my head up and walk and talk . Life’s different now and sometimes I struggle to accept my life. I don’t remember much now about what happened, but I do know it would have been very different if I hadn’t had a disability.
My name is Emily Masters and this is my life today. I have a disability and life is one big obstacle, but with the help and support from family, friends and Little Gate Farm my life is finally turning around. I have a job that has not started yet but am waiting for it to be safe to do so. In the meantime I work with my mum at her children’s nursery doing the gardening plus on top of that I now clean the kitchen when needed. I write stories and have yet to have a book published. And a boyfriend! Watch this space now as my life continues.