Supported employement
We find paid jobs for adults with learning disabilities and autism, giving them all the support they need to learn the role, adapt to their new workplace and become a real asset to their employer.
Supported apprenticeships
We give adults with learning disabilities and autism the opportunity to train ‘on the job’ in paid apprenticeships. We work closely with employers and specialist education providers to ensure everyone involved gets the most from these wonderful learning opportunities.
Supported Work Training
We offer training in a wide range of job roles to adults with learning disabilities and autism. We apply a business ethos to all the training, giving trainees the experience of a professional workplace while they learn specific job skills.
Little Gate Rangers
Our Young Ranger and Teen Ranger clubs are for children aged 8 to 18 with learning disabilities or autism. We provide a wonderful range of fun activities around our farm and woodland. The kids get to explore the countryside, make new friends and grow in confidence.
Social enterprise
We run several social enterprise ventures which create income for the charity and give our trainees valuable business experience. These include venue hire at our farm, cut flower production and products from our woodland enterprise scheme.